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the New Zealand Side Saddle Association

Today, the "Elegant Art" of side saddle riding enjoys a growing popularity both here in New Zealand and in many countries overseas.  The first national organisation to foster and encourage this resurgence  was founded in England in 1974, when Janet Macdonald and Valerie Francis wrote a letter to “Horse & Hound” magazine, hoping to gather a band of like-minded enthusiasts to keep alive a dying art.  From that beginning the Side Saddle Association was born and over the years has become widespread and respected throughout the UK. 


Just seven years later, the New Zealand Side Saddle Association was formed in 1981, to preserve and encourage the art of side saddle riding in New Zealand, and affiliated to the parent Side Saddle Association in England.


The five national Regions of the New Zealand Side Saddle Association offer everyone the help they need and the opportunity to compete, attend clinics and learn the elegant art of side saddle riding. To ensure standards are maintained, the New Zealand Side Saddle Association keeps a register of approved instructors, saddle fitters and repairers, and judges.

To anyone unfamiliar with this style of riding, it seems hard to imagine how a rider can sit safely on a horse, when both legs are on the same side.  Contrary to popular belief, however, riding side saddle is as safe, if not safer, than riding astride.


Aspiring side saddle riders find the skills are a bit different, but no harder to acquire. Most breeds and types of horses and ponies adapt easily to carrying a side saddle, but it's best ask for specialist advice from an experienced New Zealand Side Saddle Association member to get your horse or pony properly introduced to side saddle. 


Our members continually develop their skills to take part in a wide range of disciplines including:


  • Side Saddle Equitation Classes at local Ribbon Days and A&P Shows, or NZSSA events

  • Ladies' Hack Classes at A&P Shows where no special side saddle classes are included

  • Ridden Hunter Classes

  • Retraining of Racehorse Classes and Standardbreds under Saddle

  • Dressage - both registered and unregistered events

  • Hunting and hacking for pleasure

  • Quadrilles, demonstrations and parades.


Although Dressage NZ recognises side saddle as an approved discipline, we're still working to be recognised in the jumping ring.  Side saddle jumping is not yet accepted at any shows other than the NZSSA's own events.


New members are always very welcome, whether you are planning to ride side saddle or just because you are interested and want to know more; local help, advice and encouragement is readily available. The annual Members' Handbook contains everything you need to know to get started, and our NZSSA Area Liaisons are always happy to help.

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