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New Zealand
Side Saddle Association

A little bit of intrigue still surrounds an elegantly dressed lady, riding side-saddle on a perfectly turned out horse...


Welcome to the Home Page of the New Zealand Side Saddle Association!


We are a friendly and inclusive group who welcome anyone interested in this beautiful sport to join us in our riding and social activities.  Our aim is to promote and encourage the elegant art of side saddle riding, and to further the interests of side saddle riders, here in New Zealand.


Side saddle is a sport for everyone, whether you ride just for recreation or you want to go out and compete, or you are just interested in the sport and its history.  Our social members play a vital role as spectators, stewards, show secretaries and that so-important task of keeping everyone supplied with refreshments.


It's never too late to learn about riding side saddle. Whether you have your own horse or pony,  or ride a hired or borrowed mount, you'll feel elegant, poised and -above all - special!


Most horses and ponies take very well to side saddle and enjoy showing off their new found skills!

Take a tour of our website to discover more...


Happy Riding!

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